GenEd Gearing up for the 2024 Teacher Fellowship Program

Fifteen U.S. high school teachers have been selected to participate in the GenEd Teacher Fellowship Program in 2024. The two-phased program includes a 10-day intensive professional development trip to Armenia, after which GenEd Teacher Fellows will lead their own teacher training workshops in their home regions over the 2024-2025 school year.

The 2024 GenEd Teacher Fellows gathered in February via video call for the first of several meetings before their professional development trip to Armenia.

The 2024 GenEd Teacher Fellows are from 15 different U.S. states, bringing the total number of states covered since the inception of the program in 2022 to 29. During their July trip to Armenia, they’ll spend most academic and workshop sessions at the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute (AGMI) in Yerevan, with its in-depth museum exhibits, archives, artifacts, and scholarship on the Armenian Genocide and its continuing effects. They’ll also spend a day at the American University of Armenia learning about today’s Armenia and take field trips aligned with their workshop content.